Celebrities in the media
Celebrity is defined in the dictionary as "a famous person". Now a days with social media and media in general we all know everything we think there is to know about celebrities. Their lives are so open through platforms like Snapchat and Instagram. We all follow or see all the posts and snaps they take and many of us feel involved in their lives through these photos or videos. Enough so to the point here we feel so involved in their lives that we feel the need to be like them.
Because of the high pedestals we put celebrities on they're able to have such an influence over us. It's like they have a small amount of power over us to follow them as our leader. Honestly I don't think any one human being is supposed to be praised to highly because in the end we're all the same. But it is because of us and media that we give them this power.

In the following article https://www.statista.com/statistics/421169/most-followers-instagram/ it shows the statistics for the most followed Instagrammers, the most viewed snapchatters, and the most subscribed to Youtubers. On Instagram Christiano Ronaldo is the most followed person with 147 million followers. While he posts photos of his life he also posts photos and videos to promote products such as clear shampoo and because of his influence over the people I'm sure many people buy the product just because he promotes it. Another example of this can be seen on Kim Kardashian's Instagram, (121 million followers) she promotes sugar bear hair growth gummies and once again because of her name alone people buy the product. It's as if we follow these celebrity's and do what they do in hopes of becoming more like them. We give them the ability to have such an influence in our lives just by looking at their posts and simply liking it. But this type of advertising is seen in more than just Instagram. It can be seen through snapchat, youtube and so much more. But this is about more than just advertising. It's also about the general idea of following them at all.
These top celebrities have such a large crowd of followers and sometimes if they're not careful in the public eye things can get turned against them. We're all humans and make mistakes but having to watch what you do 24/7 must be really hard for someone who is just trying to live their life. While I'm sure being famous has its perks do the cons outweigh the pros? I wouldn't know the answer to this question I can assume there are more cons. But the people are just people and once again I'm saying no one should have that great of a following, they're just a normal person.
Media has allowed for all of this to happen and I think it's crazy what such a platform can do. In the end we're all the same and a human being is just a human being and no one is worth more than one another. The more we follow the more their influence grows. Overall I think we'll all be stuck following these famous people for as long as media plays such the role it does.
Celebrity is defined in the dictionary as "a famous person". Now a days with social media and media in general we all know everything we think there is to know about celebrities. Their lives are so open through platforms like Snapchat and Instagram. We all follow or see all the posts and snaps they take and many of us feel involved in their lives through these photos or videos. Enough so to the point here we feel so involved in their lives that we feel the need to be like them.

In the following article https://www.statista.com/statistics/421169/most-followers-instagram/ it shows the statistics for the most followed Instagrammers, the most viewed snapchatters, and the most subscribed to Youtubers. On Instagram Christiano Ronaldo is the most followed person with 147 million followers. While he posts photos of his life he also posts photos and videos to promote products such as clear shampoo and because of his influence over the people I'm sure many people buy the product just because he promotes it. Another example of this can be seen on Kim Kardashian's Instagram, (121 million followers) she promotes sugar bear hair growth gummies and once again because of her name alone people buy the product. It's as if we follow these celebrity's and do what they do in hopes of becoming more like them. We give them the ability to have such an influence in our lives just by looking at their posts and simply liking it. But this type of advertising is seen in more than just Instagram. It can be seen through snapchat, youtube and so much more. But this is about more than just advertising. It's also about the general idea of following them at all.
These top celebrities have such a large crowd of followers and sometimes if they're not careful in the public eye things can get turned against them. We're all humans and make mistakes but having to watch what you do 24/7 must be really hard for someone who is just trying to live their life. While I'm sure being famous has its perks do the cons outweigh the pros? I wouldn't know the answer to this question I can assume there are more cons. But the people are just people and once again I'm saying no one should have that great of a following, they're just a normal person.
Media has allowed for all of this to happen and I think it's crazy what such a platform can do. In the end we're all the same and a human being is just a human being and no one is worth more than one another. The more we follow the more their influence grows. Overall I think we'll all be stuck following these famous people for as long as media plays such the role it does.
I think that you are right , celebrities are only famous and rich because of us. If we were to treat everyone the same there wouldn't be a divide between famous people and regular people.I also agree that no one is worth more than another person and that should be more known.