Media reflection

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Overall in the few years I've been exposed to media it's really had an impact on my life. Everything around me is based off of the media and it's like I can't escape, and I give into this because I let it happen by consuming the media myself. It takes up such a huge portion of my time in my daily routine and I don't do anything to change that. And it really effects me in life through really just the smallest things. It's become something I rely on and it makes my life a whole lot easier. But after starting these media blogs I've got a better understanding of the world around me and how my media consumption now changes the way I see the media. Critical thinking has really taught me a lot in just the smallest things. I'm able to see its impact on my life and it just gives me a better perspective on things.
From the beginning of this class to the very end I can confidently say that my media habits have changed. But not in the way where I cut back on it. I consume too much of media everyday and it almost seems impossible to cut down my intake of the subject. But the way my media habits have changed is through the way I analyze things. It becomes hard not to see things that were a concept of a lesson I learned. I just look at it with fresh eyes it feels like and I see things there I never would have seen before. But it's good to be able to analyze and evaluate media because it lets me see the purpose for why the media message was even created. There's obviously a point to majority of the media shared everywhere but with media literacy I'm able to find the reasons a lot easier.
As a consumer of media I like being educated about the media. At first it seems like there is not much you can really educate yourself on but there's so much to learn about all these platforms. Through journaling my experience I can see a short look into the important lessons I've learned about media. And it's role in my life and just in the world around me. Finally I'm glad to be able to finish this post with the understanding that I have on the concept because it just feels like such an eye opener.


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