Miss Representation: Equality

Image result for women in politics
After watching the film Miss Representation I noticed a lot of things in the media around me that I had never even paid attention to. They pointed out women in politics, which I had never really paid attention to before. Not because I didn't care but politics in general they just don't interest me. But I was surprised to find out how differently they looked at women in political positions compared to men. I did understand before that there weren't as many women compared to men but I didn't know how different women were viewed compared to men. They were viewed incapable of making decisions because of their "mood swings" which I think is ridiculous. In clips during the movie there was a news caster that said something along the lines of women being too emotional to have a position of power in politics. Which is completely untrue, everyone has emotions and just because of women's biology it is automatically assumed we are not capable of doing something because we are too emotional. It's just a shame that women have worked so hard to get to where we are now just to be told they're not good enough to hold the positions they so rightfully earned.

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The film explained how long it took to get to where we are now but it still feels like it's not enough. I feel like everyone in general has been so conditioned to thinking political positions are only for men because that's what a lot of people grew up with as an example. They'll vote for a man just because it's 'tradition". The opponent could be female and better qualified but because of old ways we're put at a disadvantage as we try and move forward. Change takes time, but how much more time until we're able to see total equality in all jobs?Not only political.

Image result for women  broadcast journalistsAnother topic of the movie focusing on women's careers was women journalists. they weren't taken as seriously as men. Rater than paying attention to the topic at hand all the people are about was hoe short her skirt was or how low cut her top was. These concepts have nothing to do with a women's job. She should be able to wear whatever she wants and not have to worry about getting criticism for her outfit. Men don't have to worry about these things even though they do the exact same job. It's different because women have been sexualized over time and so some people have a problem trying to take them seriously. If a man and woman can do the same job and do equally as great as one another it's just not fair that one has to be insulted for what they look like because of the stereotypes we've created for women in the past.

So many people are moving forward and accepting the new way of thinking that women are equal with men. But we're still leaving people behind and its causing a problem. We take big steps forward only to be dragged past by those dwelling on the past. When we're able to look at the whole situation open-minded I feel we can all tell how both a man and women are capable of getting the same job done , and that gender stereotypes shouldn't hold us back. As we keep progressing there is so much great change and I hope for more of this to come because it's such a great experience seeing us all grow as people.


  1. My post was also largely based on women in politics, and I agree. I think that there are unprecedented implications on our modern culture when a news site focuses on what a female politician is wearing over what she is saying. The scrutiny placed on a women's appearance is normalized, and it deters other women from infiltrating male dominated spaces in fear of having to battle those same problems.


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